The The Impact of Problem-Based Learning on Students' Collaboration Skills and Critical Attitudes in History Education
Problem Based Learning, Collaboration, Critical Attitude, History EducationAbstract
History education has often been perceived as boring and focused on rote memorization due to the dominance of traditional teaching methods. Therefore, the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model is needed to develop students skills and understanding. This study aims to examine the impact of implementing Problem-Based Learning on students' collaboration skills and critical attitudes. The research uses a literature review approach to gather relevant information on the research topic. Information was collected from various books, scientific journals, articles, and other reliable sources. The findings of the study conclude that: (1) The PBL model can be applied in history education because it involves significant events that provoke students' critical thinking, and (2) The PBL model has an impact on students' collaboration skills and critical attitudes, which is also supported by previous studies.
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