Cognitive Learning Outcomes of Students in Physics Science Learning Through the Application of the Rotating Trio Exchange (RTE) Strategy in Class VII SMP Negeri 5 Pekanbaru
Cognitive Learning Outcomes, Rotating Trio Exchange (RTE) Learning Strategies, MotionAbstract
This study aims to determine the differences in cognitive learning outcomes of physics students through the application of the Rotating Trio Exchange (RTE) learning strategy with conventional learning in grade VII SMP Negeri 5 Pekanbaru in the 2011/2012 academic year even semester on the subject matter of Motion. This study was conducted with a Randomized Control Group Only Design research design with a static design of two groups, namely the experimental class group and the control class group. The determination of the sample class was determined by normality test and homogeneity test, class VII3 became an experimental class by applying the Rotating Trio Exchange (RTE) learning strategy and class VII1 became a control class with conventional learning. The research instruments used are learning devices and data collection instruments. Data collection techniques are learning outcome tests conducted after the learning process. Data is analyzed through descriptive and inferential analysis. From the results of descriptive data analysis, the cognitive learning outcomes of Science Physics students in the experimental class were higher than the control class. From inferential analysis through manual calculation of the statistical value of the t test and through the SPSS 16 Independent-Sample T Test program , tcount = 1.996 while ttable = 2.0465. Based on the criteria for testing the tcalculate hypothesis < ttabel or (1.996 < 2.0465), so that there is no difference in the cognitive learning outcomes of Science Physics students in grade VII SMP Negeri 5 Pekanbaru who apply the Rotating Trio Exchange (RTE) learning strategy with classes that apply conventional learning.
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