Development of Light On/Off Controller Simple Using LDR Sensor-Based Relay and Arduino Uno on Physics Learning Electromagnetic Material
LDR Sensor, Arduino Uno, Controller, Physics, Electromagnetic conceptAbstract
The purpose of this research is to develop a simple light On/Off controller using relay based LDR sensors and Arduino Uno Which is composed of simple components assembled into an automatic device. The design and tools that have been made there are several physical concepts that we may not know, namely the electromagnetic concept in the relay where in the relay there is a coil that detects and turn On / Off the lights automatically by the microcontroller system (Arduino Uno) and decorative lights there is also a parallel circuit in it. The Experiment carried oit is to provide a light source such as a flashlight at a certain distance then brought close to LDR Sensor then made an image of how the condition of the lamp with a certain distance and the results of the experiment
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