The Influence Of Motivation And Leadership Style On Teacher Performance Through Teacher Job Satisfaction At Upt Smp Negeri 1 Kampar Kiri Tengah
motivation, leadership style, job satisfaction, teacher performanceAbstract
This study aims to examine the influence of motivation and leadership
style on teacher performance through job satisfaction. This study uses a
quantitative approach with the path analysis method to analyze data obtained
from respondents consisting of teachers in several schools. The independent
variables analyzed are motivation (X1) and leadership style (X2), while the
dependent variable analyzed is teacher performance (Z), with job satisfaction (Y)
as a mediating variable. The results of the study indicate that motivation does not
directly have a significant effect on teacher job satisfaction and performance. On
the contrary, leadership style is proven to have a significant effect on job
satisfaction. In addition, job satisfaction is proven to have a significant effect on
teacher performance. The indirect effect of motivation through job satisfaction
on teacher performance shows significant results, with a total effect value of
0.409, while leadership style has an indirect effect through job satisfaction on
teacher performance with a total effect value of 0.475. Based on these findings, it
is recommended that schools pay attention to improving effective leadership
styles to improve teacher job satisfaction, which will ultimately have a positive
effect on improving their performance. This study contributes to understanding
the importance of psychological and managerial factors in improving teacher
performance through job satisfaction as a mediator.
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