Development of Learning Tools Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) on The Material of Balance and Rotation Dynamics For Class XI SMA
Development, learning media, contextual teaching and learningAbstract
The learning tool based on contextual teaching and learning (CTL) on the material of balance and rotation dynamics for class 10 high school is a learning tool in the form of RPP, LKPD and Cognitive Learning Outcomes Test. This research aims to develop learning tools as well as determine the validity of these learning tools. It is hoped that the learning tools developed will make it easier for teachers to convey material on equilibrium and rotational dynamics, make it easier for students to understand material on equilibrium and rotational dynamics, and can improve high school physics learning in schools. The development research model used is the 4D development model (Define, Design, Development and Disseminate). The research carried out only reached the development stage. The instrument used in this research was a validation sheet which was filled in by 3 validators. The learning device validation results obtained were valid with an Aiken's validity index of 0.84 in the very high category for lesson plans, an Aiken's validity index of 0.84 in the very high category for LKPD and an Aiken's validity index of 0.85 in the very high category for learning outcomes tests. Therefore, the learning tools developed are suitable for use as learning tools in schools. This learning tool is recommended for teachers. Other research related to implementation and development via Android applications is still needed.
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