Utilization of Layered FBG (Fiber Brag Grating) as a Methane and Carbon Dioxide Gas Sensor
Gas sensor, Utilization, How it worksAbstract
The use of gas sensors has grown rapidly and has driven much research related to the use of gas sensors in various fields including medical, industrial and military applications. Electronic sensors have dominated sensor technology for decades. However, some features of conventional sensors require significant improvement, e.g. B. in sensitivity to electrical noise, multiplicity of wires, etc. Because of these drawbacks, researchers around the world have invested heavily in improving conventional sensors. Therefore, these efforts resulted in a new generation of different sensors, including fiber optic technology. FBG sensors, a type of point sensor, are one of the most widely used FOS. The basic principle of operation of FOS and FBG sensors is the reflection and filtering of different wavelengths of light. In FBG sensors, the fiber optic lattice feature allows transmission of all wavelengths except specific reflected wavelengths. This process is called optical lattice resonance. In the next section, a brief introduction to the theory of fiber optic sensors used in this study is given, with a particular focus on FBG. The basic principle of operation of FOS and FBG sensors is the reflection and filtering of different wavelengths of light.
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