Analysis of Interests and Written Scientific Communication Skills Using the TGT Type Cooperative Learning Model Assisted by
Cooperative learning model type TGT,, Interests, Written scientific communication skills.Abstract
Choosing a good learning model can increase students' interest and communication skills in physics learning. The use of technology can create interactive and fun learning. The purpose of the study was to describe the learning interests of students and students' written scientific communication skills using a cooperative learning model of team games tournament (TGT) type assisted by This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 2 Bantan using a quantitative approach with a descriptive method. This research instrument is a study interest questionnaire and written communication skills test questions. The results of this study obtained the overall interest in learning of students is 71% in the strong category. While the overall written communication skills test processing results are 72% in the Good category. This means, students' learning interests and communication skills are good.
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