
  • Fitry Mifthoh Warohmah Latifah Universitas Riau
  • Dedi Irawan Department of Physics Education, PMIPA, FKIP Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru Indonesia
  • Muhammad Nasir Department of Physics Education, PMIPA, FKIP Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru Indonesia


learning styles, science concepts, mapping, prior knowledge, learning profiles


This research was conducted to determine the mapping of students' needs in science learning class IX.5 at MTs Hasanah Pekanbaru. This research involved 28 samples using quantitative descriptive methods and research instruments in the form of questionnaires regarding initial knowledge, learning profiles and learning styles of class IX.5 semester students odd 2023/2024 by calculating percentages to map student needs. After analysis, based on the results of filling out the questionnaire, there were 43% of students in class IX.5 MTs Hasanah Pekanbaru for the 2023/2024 academic year who did not understand the material, this means that the majority of students had not mastered the science material. For student learning profiles, from the tables and diagrams it can be seen that students studying individually and in groups have a ratio of 39%: 61%, the difference between students studying individually and in groups is only 22% of the entire sample. Then the more dominant student learning styles are kinesthetic learning style at 32%, followed by mixed learning style at 29%, visual learning style at 21%, and auditory learning style at 18%.


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How to Cite

Latifah, F. M. W., Dedi Irawan, & Muhammad Nasir. (2024). MAPPING STUDENT NEEDS IN SCIENCE LEARNING IN CLASS IX 5 MTs HASANAH PEKANBARU IN 2023. Journal of Science, Learning Process and Instructional Research, 2(1), 1–5. Retrieved from

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