Monitoring Tools Using DHT11 Sensor, Soil Moisture Sensor and Motion Sensor


  • Muhammad Idris Tukan
  • Azizahwati Postgraduate Physics Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Riau, Indonesia


Internet of Things, DHT11 Sensor, Soil Moisture, PIR, Thinger.IO, Plant MONITORING


This study aims to develop an IoT-based plant monitoring tool that
integrates DHT11, soil moisture, and PIR sensors to monitor environmental
parameters such as temperature, air humidity, and soil moisture in real-time. This
system uses the NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller as the main component and
utilizes the Thinger.IO platform for data visualization. The development method
applied is the ADDIE model, which includes the stages of needs analysis, system
design, prototype development, implementation, and evaluation. The test results
show that this tool has a high level of accuracy, with minimal error on each sensor.
The integration of this IoT-based system makes it easy for users to monitor plant
environmental conditions remotely, thus supporting more efficient modern
agricultural management. The limitations of this system include the need for a
stable internet connection and the potential for noise interference on
multisensors. Recommendations for further research are system optimization
against noise interference and large-scale implementation for higher efficiency.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Idris Tukan, & Azizahwati. (2024). Monitoring Tools Using DHT11 Sensor, Soil Moisture Sensor and Motion Sensor. Journal of Frontier Research in Science and Engineering, 2(4), 38–48. Retrieved from

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