Portable Height Measurement: “How it’s Development?”


  • adiella zakky juneid Universitas Riau
  • Fakhruddin Z Physics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Riau


Height Measurement, Arduino Uno, HC-SR04


The purpose of this research is to develop a portable height measurement using ultrasonic sensor and Arduino Uno. The design and tools that have been made using two of ultrasonic sensor for height measurement. The component that as a ultrasonic sensor is HC-SR04 sensor. The proyotype can be fold to make it easy to pick up. The compare data have had the highest error with 0,41%. Which is the prototype can be use.


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How to Cite

juneid, adiella zakky, & Fakhruddin Z. (2024). Portable Height Measurement: “How it’s Development?”. Journal of Frontier Research in Science and Engineering, 2(1), 16–20. Retrieved from https://journal.riau-edutech.com/index.php/jofrise/article/view/32

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