An Optimum Design of Tapered Optical Fiber as a Cell Sensor Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance
SPR, Sensor Cell, Taperred Fiber opticAbstract
Sensors and transducers can basically be considered as a device or device that has the ability to convert physical quantities into electrical quantities whose output can be processed electrically or digitally systems. Fiber optics are transparent materials that act as conductors for light waves. The advantages of optical fiber include: lighter, smaller diameter, resistant to magnetic fields, etc. SPR is a phenomenon that occurs when light falls at the interface between a thin layer of metal (usually gold or silver) and a dielectric medium (e.g. water or solution). An optical cell sensor based on Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) refers to an optical sensor that uses the SPR principle to detect refractive changes on the sensor surface.
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