Use of LiDAR in Topographic Map Mapping or Surface Mapping


  • Pinki Aisyah Fitrah
  • Citra Rahmah Ramadhani Physics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Riau
  • Dinda Aulia Rahmi Physics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Riau
  • Nabila Harisna Physics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Riau


Map, Topography, LiDAR


Topographic maps are mapping schematics that describe the shape of the Earth's surface through a number of elevation lines related to the slope of the land and the slope of the slope in the surface of the planet Earth (Suparno and Endy (2005). Accurate and efficient topographic mapping is becoming increasingly important as the needs of infrastructure development and regional management develop. LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology is present as a breakthrough in this field. LiDAR uses laser beams to measure distances, resulting in detailed data on the elevation and shape of the earth's surface. LiDAR's advantages in topographic mapping LiDAR can penetrate dense vegetation cover, produce accurate data in all light conditions, and offer wide area coverage. With LiDAR data, a digital elevation model (DEM) and a detailed contour map are produced. The use of LiDAR along with other mapping methods, such as aerial photogrammetry, further improves the accuracy and completeness of topographic map data. Finally, it emphasizes the role of LiDAR in providing valuable information for various purposes, such as development planning, disaster mitigation, and natural resource management. This technology uses lasers to collect information and data about the surface. The data is processed and the result is in the form of a 3D model and produces highly detailed and accurate point cloud data, which can be used to create a variety of mapping products, such as Digital Elevation Models (DEM), Digital Surface Models (DSM), Feature Maps and Orthofo Maps.


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How to Cite

Pinki Aisyah Fitrah, Citra Rahmah Ramadhani, Dinda Aulia Rahmi, & Nabila Harisna. (2024). Use of LiDAR in Topographic Map Mapping or Surface Mapping. Journal of Frontier Research in Science and Engineering, 2(2), 19–25. Retrieved from