Polarization Characteristics of Electromagnetic Wave in Optical Fibers


  • Muhammad Sahal Department of Physics Education, PMIPA, FKIP Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru Indonesia
  • Ernidawati Department of Physics Education, PMIPA, FKIP Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru Indonesia
  • Naila Fauza Department of Physics Education, PMIPA, FKIP Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru Indonesia


Fiber Optic, wave polarization, light waves, liquid crystal-based sensor


This article goes into the details of optical fiber technology, focusing on important things like wave polarization, light waves, and the innovative use of liquid crystal-based fiber optic sensors. We start with the basics of polarization and how light waves work. Then, we dive into the world of optical fiber technology, which is crucial for how we communicate today. We specially focus on wave polarization inside these fibers, explaining why it matters for sending signals smoothly. Imagine these fibers as tiny tunnels where light waves travel, and how they're oriented, or polarized, affects how well the signals go through. Next, we explore liquid crystal-based fiber optic sensors, which are a cool advancement. These sensors use special liquid crystals to notice changes in their surroundings. We look at how they're designed and where they're used, like in keeping an eye on the environment and helping with medical diagnostics. By mixing simple explanations with real-world examples, this article aims to help both curious readers and professionals understand the basics and practical applications of optical fiber technology in our everyday communication systems


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How to Cite

Muhammad Sahal, Ernidawati, & Naila Fauza. (2023). Polarization Characteristics of Electromagnetic Wave in Optical Fibers. Journal of Frontier Research in Science and Engineering, 1(1), 21–27. Retrieved from https://journal.riau-edutech.com/index.php/jofrise/article/view/21

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